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RRCA/ORRC Convention 5K to Benefit the Oregon Zoo

Sun March 22, 2020 Portland, OR 97221 US Directions



4001 SW Canyon Road
Portland, OR US 97221


Join us March 22, 2020 for the special edition ORRCA/RRCA Convention 5K to Benefit the Oregon Zoo

The Oregon Road Runners Club and RRCA are pleased to announce a special 5K fun run that will benefit the Oregon Zoo.  Run entirely in the zoo before it opens to the public, this no pressure, un-timed 5K will be a great opportunity to get in a few more miles in Portland while helping support a great community facility.  Runners will receive beautiful finisher medals from Ashworth Awards and along with a commemorative bib sponsored by Marathon Printing.

Transportation to the run will be an easy MAX ride form the hotel and back.  MAX tickets included in the cost of registration.  We will meet in the hotel lobby at 6M.  Allow for a 10 minute walk from the hotel to MAX on race morning, with a 15 minutes ride, and a 20 minute walk from MAX to the start line at the Zoo.  There are convenient and frequent 11-minute TriMet MAX trains between downtown and the Oregon Zoo. For those on a tight schedule, Red Line MAX trains also serve PDX directly from the Oregon Zoo.  Register by March 13 to ensure your Trimet MAX ticket. After March 13, participants may purchase tickets directly at a MAX train prior to the run on Sunday.

Bib pick-up and train tickets will be issued at the registration table at the RRCA Convention at the Hilton Hotel Downtown Portland.  Information about TriMet MAX schedules will also be provided at race bib pick-up.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at



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