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Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes

Sat November 22, 2014 Portland, OR 97232 US


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Oregon Convention Center
Portland, OR US 97232


Step Out Moves to the Oregon Convention Center, Expo

That's right! Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes is moving to the Oregon Convention Center the morning of our annual Diabetes Expo, Saturday, November 22. The goal of Step Out is the same: to raise awareness and funds for the mission of the American Diabetes Association while moving your feet and doing your body good. The venue and route is a little bit different, however we promise a great time and are providing you with exclusive access to the Expo floor before the doors open to the public. Think of this as 2 in 1. Two great events in one venue on one day!

Here's how it works. Register as a team or individual, and then recruit friends, family and co-workers to register, raise money and walk with you to Stop Diabetes. Our new course will be an indoor track located in Exhibit Hall C at the Oregon Convention Center; the same place we hold Expo. Instead of a 1 or 3 mile course, you’ll walk laps on our “Expo Track” through the Expo exhibits. Walk as many laps as you can in one hour beginning at 9:00 am. Though the weather in November may be cold and wet, our “Expo Track” will be warm and fun with music provided by 105.1The Buzz. The “Expo Track” will include interactive stations, prizes and "celebrity walkers." Each person raising at least $25 will receive a FREE pedometer that allows you to track how far you walk.

Walk for yourself or a loved one. People who walk with diabetes are our Red Striders and are the reason we walk. If you are a Red Strider you will receive special recognition at the event. Be sure to indicate you are a Red Strider when you register.

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