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2023 Willalatin Trail Run

Sun June 18, 2023 Portland, OR 97229 US Directions


2023 Willalatin Trail Run

9:00AM PDT - 12:00PM PDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


11525 NW Willalatin Rd
Portland, OR US 97229


Greetings Adventurers!

It's time to lace up your running shoes and join us for the 5th Annual Willalatin Trail Run in Forest Park on Sunday, June 18th, 2023. This year we will offer 1 mile, 3 mile, and 6 mile course options. The runs will start and end at the Willalatin Water Tower (11525 NW Willalatin Rd), located at the top of the Waterline trail in Forest Park (across the street from the Skyline Tavern - 8031 NW Skyline Blvd). This beautiful run will take you through the meandering trails and hills of the middle section of Forest Park.

Parking is available in the parking lot in front of Skyline Tavern (8031 NW Skyline Blvd, Portland, OR 97229) or in the large parking lot at the corner of NW Skyline Blvd and NW Germantown Rd, and runners should meet at 8:30 am at the Willalatin Water Tower (11525 NW Willalatin Rd) for a 9:00 am run start (port-o-potty provided in the parking lot of Skyline Tavern). The course will be well marked to keep people on the right track and a course map will be sent out prior to the run. The race will have a staggered start, based upon your pace, that will help ensure that everyone finishes around the same time. We encourage finishers to wait at the finish line and celebrate each new finisher so that everyone, regardless of pace, feels recognized.

The race registration fee includes a signature event t-shirt (different from the Willalatin Running t-shirt). Event t-shirts will be handed out on race morning during check-in.

Thanks to the generosity and support from Skyline Tavern, we will have an after party where each runner will receive a FREE beer, with BBQ graciously provided (vegetarian and vegan options included). We encourage you to invite friends and family who you think may be interested in running.

If you have any questions please contact Willalatin Running Company at

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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