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9th Annual Run 2 Remember

Sat May 17, 2025 Salem, OR 97301 US Directions


5k Run/Walk In Person

$0 9:45AM PDT - 11:00AM PDT
156 spots left. Registration ends May 14, 2025 at 11:59pm PDT

1/2 mile Kids Run/Walk In-Person

$0 9:00AM PDT - 11:00AM PDT
156 spots left. Registration ends May 14, 2025 at 11:59pm PDT


Salem Riverfront Park
200 Water Street NE
Salem, OR US 97301



9:00 AM      MAY 17, 2025   

Salem Riverfront Park

200 Water Street NE, Salem, OR 97301

Participation is open to everyone in the community.  This is our 9th year honoring the men and women who have died in service to our country.  By reaching out to the survivors and family members, we hope to promote a community of support on behalf of those “Never Forgotten.”

Donations: This event is free to the participants and open to the community.  The race is funded through donations and sponsorship from local businesses and the community.  All contributions can be made on this website. The Veteran of Foreign Wars enabling all donations to be tax deductible. Those who serve are never forgotten. Donate today! Your donations make honoring that commitment possible.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


What time should I arrive?

-          Volunteers should arrive by 7:00 am. You will have time to set up and be ready by 7:45 am. Registration for the run begins at 8 am.

What time does the run end?

-          The run is scheduled to end at 11 am. If you assist with clean-up, it would be much appreciated!  

Where do I park?

-          There is parking right to the north of the Pavilion. There are two other parking lots near the event. You can also park on the street across from the park.

What do I wear?

-          Wear your Run to Remember t-shirt or something that signifies who you represent. Otherwise, be comfortable and dress for the weather.

How many people will be there?

-          The event is capped at 400 runners. This does not include staff and volunteers.   


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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