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Sat October 13, 2018 Allentown, PA 18109 US Directions


Part of the GetPhound Fall Points Series!


8:00AM EDT
Open to ages 1 - 120.

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Back Side of Lehigh Valley International Airport
Allentown, PA US 18109


Fly baby fly!  Run onto the runway at Lehigh Valley International Airport for the Pediatric Cancer Foundation of the Lehigh Valley (!  Competitors at last year's inaugural race said this was an amazing event and were thrilled by multiple heavy jets landing on another runway adjacent to the course during the race.  Part of this course includes the taxiway and an actual runway.  It's a unique opportunity to run on a massive  runway (legally!) that is used by the big commercial jets.  

This 5K Run/Walk has a 60 minute time limit - plenty of time for walkers.  The race is organized by the Lehigh Valley International Airport to raise money for the support of families whose children are battling pediatric cancer.

Race Details:

  • Organized by Lehigh Valley International Airport
  • Chip-timed with instant results by SpectaSport
  • Open to all ages and abilities
  • Free race shirt for entries received through 10/4/2018


First Overall Male and Female, plus gender-specfic Age Group awards for following ages: 14 & Under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+ (Note: Runners must finish in 40 minutes or less to be eligible for awards ceremony. Participants finishing after 40 minutes will still be timed and will still receive a finish placing.)

Fees: $25 in advance (online registration only), $35 on race day

Race Address: 150 Fashion Drive South, Allentown, PA 18109 (back side of airport)

· Directions: From Route 22, take Airport Road (Route 987) North to Race Street, make a left onto Fashion Drive.

· Parking: Follow signs on Fashion Drive (Air Traffic Control Tower will be on your left; Maintenance Building will be on your right). Follow signs for parking.

· Security: Due to increased security, the following items are NOT allowed: hard or soft coolers and ice chests (except for small insulated bags for medicine), backpacks, alcoholic beverages, glass containers, large umbrellas, pets, fireworks or weapons. Vehicles/participants may be subject to search.

 NOTE: Arrive early on race day as you will need to go through TSA security check. Packet Pickup and Walk-Up registration begins at 7:00 am

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Course Map

Click below for the course map for the Winged Warriors on the Runway 5K Run/Walk

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


Voted Best New Race of 2017 by These Participants





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