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Social Distance Virtual 5K

Mon March 16 - Thu April 30 Directions




The CDC, World Health Organization, and government officials currently recommend social distancing. What is social distancing you might ask? Social distancing is the act of eliminating or limiting human interaction in an attempt to stop or slow down the spread of a contagious disease. With the spate of recent race cancellations and postponements this spring, odds are you have no race left to run in. The Social Distance Virtual 5K is here to provide you with an opportunity to race this Spring while still following the guidelines of health officials. How does it work? Run or walk a 5K anywhere on your own or with a small group of people. Remember to stay 1 meter apart from people if you're in a group. Email your time to by April 30, 2020. See where you stack up on the global leaderboard!

The Social Distance 5K is a way to remain social within the running community by virtually running with people from across the globe. In a time of isolation, the social distance virtual 5k allows you to stay socially distanced while running distance and staying social! 10% of all race registration fees will be donated to the World Health Organization to help combat COVID-19. 

You will receive race swag shipped directly to your doorstep! Swag items include: 

- Long Sleeve Performance T-shirt

- Custom Finisher Medal

One randomly selected participant will receive a roll of toilet paper! 

If you register for the no giveaway option, you will not receive the race shirt or finisher medal.

Participants outside of the United States must register for the International option. 

Please note all swag items will ship after the conclusion of the virtual race and final results are compiled on May 1, 2020. Please allow 7-10 business days for all items to arrive for those participating in the United States and 4-8 weeks shipping for those participating internationally. 


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Shirt



Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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