Race Website
Additional race information can be found at https://www.sama-art.org/race.
Altoona, PA US 16601
Lace up, run, and let your heart beat for the arts! Join us for "Art For Your Heart," a unique 5K run/walk benefiting the Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art. This heart-healthy event invites the community to run, walk, and promote a healthy lifestyle while supporting the vibrant local arts scene. The race starts at SAMA Altoona, promising a scenic route and a great way to engage with the community. This event brings our community together at the intersection of fitness and the arts, making a positive impact on both heart health and the cultural vibrancy of our local community. Don't miss this opportunity to run with purpose and support SAMA's commitment to enriching lives through art.
- Age groups: 14 and under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50–59, 60 and up.
- Race packet pre-pick up available at SAMA Altoona, Thursday and Friday, May 23-24, 12:00pm-4:30pm
- T-shirts are guaranteed to participants registered by May 3rd.
- 7:45 AM Race packet pick-up and day of registration at SAMA Altoona, 1210 11th Ave.
- 9:00 AM Race Start at SAMA Altoona
- 10:00 AM Awards Ceremony at Heritage Plaza, 11th Ave and 14th St.
- Medals will be awarded for the top three winners for male and female in each age group and for top three winners for male and female overall.
- Winners must be present, no awards will be mailed.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.