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Thu November 28, 2024 Brockway, PA 15824 US Directions



7th Avenue
Brockway, PA US 15824


Thanksgiving Day is the most popular race day in America.  It's a perfect day to come together to benefit ourselves, our families, and our community.  Add a new family tradition to your Thanksgiving by running or walking in our family-friendly Brockway Turkey 5k or 1 mile Family Walk/Run!  Enjoy time with family for fun and exercise before the cooking and eating begins!

This year's proceeds will go to the "Brockway Pool" a community asset and a great place for our families and youth to enjoy in the summer.  Our goal each year will be to select a community program for proceeds to benefit. 

Want to stay up to date with all the event information, join our FB page - Brockway Annual Turkey Trot

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at


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