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Fri June 6, 2025 Chambersburg, PA 17201 US


5K Run/Walk

$30 Price increases after April 30, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

Raber Kids 1 Mile Run

$10 Registration ends June 6, 2025 at 5:45pm EDT
Open to ages 11 and under.

Raber Kids Dash

$0 Registration ends June 6, 2025 at 6:00pm EDT
Open to ages 11 and under.

Exclusive Title Sponsor




Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Kids Dash – Free
Kids 1 Miler – $10
5k Run/Walk Youth (17 and under) – $15   ($20 after April 30)
5k Run/Walk (18 and older) – $30   ($35 after April 30)

* All 5K Run/Walk participants will be timed.

Race Day Schedule

5:00 p.m. Same Day Registration and Pre-registration Packet Pick-up Opens at Race Central.

NEW TIMES (Closes at 5:30 for Raber Runs for Kids and at 6:00 p.m. for 5K walkers and runners)

Raber Runs for Kids (11 and under)

NEW TIME - 5:45 p.m. Raber Kids 1 Mile Begins

NEW TIME - 6:00 p.m. Raber Kids Dash Begins

Race Against Poverty 5K (Runners and Walkers - all are timed)
NEW TIME - 6:30 p.m. 5K Runners Begin
NEW TIME - 6:30 p.m. 5K Walkers Begin (walkers begin right behind runners)
7:45 p.m. Door Prizes Posted
7:45 p.m. Runners Award Ceremony

5:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Retail and Food Vendors
Information Tables
Activities, Music, and more

Race Types


Sign up 5+ participants to raise funds together and compete in the 5k as a team! To form a team, select the Team Challenge option when you register. You do not have to stay together, you can all run and walk at your own pace, and the times of your first 5 finishers will count for your score.  All the funds raised by your team members will be combined for a team total—track your progress on your Team Page, and check the leaderboard on our website to see if your team is in the lead!

**Team members will still be placed as individuals and can win individually and with team members. All teams MUST be registered online before the close of online registration. Team members cannot be added on race day. However, you can still register to run as an individual on race day at the event.



Have fun participating in the Race Against Poverty as a co-ed pair!

Whether a father/daughter, a mother/son or maybe a fun running or walking partner, enjoy the time together as you join in the fun for this category.

Sign up for either the walk or the run as a Running Duo, and then find your sponsors to make a greater impact! You can track your progress on your RAP5k Page.

**Running Duos will still be placed as individuals and can win individually and as a pair. All Running Duos MUST be registered online before the close of online registration. However, you can still register to run as an individual on race day at the event.



Of course, you can participate in the 5k as an individual. Just sign up for either the walk or the run and find your sponsors to make a greater impact! You can track your progress on your very own RAP5k Page.

**Those who sign up with a Team or Running Duo will be timed and can place as an individual in addition to their Team or Running Duo.

Raber Runs for Kids

There are 2 options for the Kids Runs (age 11 and under). The Kids Dash is a 1/2 mile and costs no money, whereas the Kids 1 Miler has a $10 fee because it includes a t-shirt.



FUN REWARDS will be given as you reach various levels of fundraising:

The Team raising the most funds will receive a $500 gift card to a local restaurant

The Top 3 individuals raising the most funds will receive these prizes:

          #1 Individual Fundraiser - will receive a $100 gift card to a local downtown business

          #2 Individual Fundraiser - will receive a $50 gift card to a local downtown business

          #3 Individual Fundraiser - will receive a $25 gift card to a local downtown business

**Team members will still receive the rewards above based on the levels they reach as individual fundraisers.


100+ DOOR PRIZES will be given at the awards ceremony. Be sure to check the Door Prize Board at Race Central and visit the door prize booth during the awards ceremony if your bib number is a winner!

CASH AWARDS for Winning the 5K

Overall 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Male and Female each receive:

1st - $150

2nd - $125

3rd - $100


TROPHIES or MEDALS will be given to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place overall male and female finishers as well as finishers of the 5k in each age bracket:

12 and under                                 Kids Runs Trophies:
13-15                                                1st Place 1 Miler Boy
16-19                                                1st Place 1 Miler Girl


Traveling Trophy for the fastest Team and Trophy fastest Running Duo.

A Team’s placement is determined by the finishing times of your first 5 finishers. The lowest combined time wins.

The Running Duo winner is based on your combined time.

You will still place/win based on your time as an individual as well.


SCCAP empowers families and engages the community as we pursue innovative and effective solutions to break the cycle of poverty. Support Circles is one of the ways SCCAP works with individuals and families to stabilize, create a future story, and achieve their goals and thrive.

As we do this, we see families improve their health and wellbeing and join efforts to build a stronger community.

Course Map

Race Against Poverty Spotify Playlist

Download and listen to the Race Against Poverty playlist HERE



Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Exclusive Title Sponsor

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors


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