318 Davis St.
Clarks Summit, PA US 18411
Come join us for a day of family fun at the 3rd Annual Strawberry Day 5k run/walk on Saturday, June 30th! We will kick off the day with a 5k run/walk around the streets of Clarks Summit then have a kids fun run afterwards.
The 5K run/walk will begin promptly at 9:00 am.
Course Information: The course will mimic last years. Keep an eye out, we will post a map!
Kid's fun run will begin immediately following the 5k at approximately 10:00 am. The Fun Run is free of charge and will be a short straightaway on a closed street.
Race day registration will begin at 7:30am at The National Running Center: 318 Davis St. Clarks Summit, PA 18411
Packet pick up will be held Friday, June 29th at the National Running Center from 4pm-6pm. Packet pick up will also start at 7:30 am on the morning of the race.
Race Contact Info
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Race Participant Survey
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