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Steelman Racing Open Water Classic - May 16, 2021

Sun May 16, 2021 Downingtown, PA 19335 US Directions

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


675 Park Rd
Downingtown, PA US 19335


Steelman Racing Open Water Classic has been moved to May 16,2021, at Marsh Creek State Park in Downingtown, Pennsylvania. This race is the ultimate in open-water swimming!  It is perfect for the veteran swimmer looking to test their endurance, or for new swimmers or triathletes looking to get some more experience swimming in an open-water setting.  The Steelman Racing Open Water Classic provides the ultimate combination of clear, mid 60's degree water temperatures in a safe, well-supported racing experience.  Swimmers can choose from the 1.5 or 3 mile individual age group competition or the three-mile relay completed by two different swimmers (each completing a 1.5 mile leg of the swim).  Awards are presented to the top overall male/female, top overall male/female/ co-ed relays, and three deep in age divisions from 15– 80 years old.  After the race, all athletes will be treated to an awesome post-race party with tons food and music.  We hope to see you out there at this year’s Steelman Racing Open Water Classic!

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