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Girl Scouts 5k Run/1 Mile Walk

Sat May 4, 2019 Emlenton, PA 16373 US Directions


5k Run/walk

8:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT

1 mile run/walk

8:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT


57 Community Road
Emlenton, PA US 16373


The local Girl Scouts of Grace Church are putting on a 5k run/1 mile walk fundraiser to raise money for their Savannah, GA trip. The cost is about $800 per scout.
Registration fee is $15 and pre-registration forms and payment need to be in by April 18th. Registration after the 18th until the race will be $20. Shirts will be available for sale while supplies last on race day for $10.
If you prefer to, send your check made out to GSWPA to Vicki Miller at 2687 Route 208 Knox, PA 16232 or you can drop it off at Shaffer Evergreen Rentals.
Registration on race day is May 4th at 8am. 5k Race to start at 9. 1 mile walk shortly after.
For more information contact: Vicki Miller or Rachel Colwell (814)221-5509

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