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Iron Bridge 5K and 1 Mile Family Fun Walk

Sat November 10, 2018 Ford City, PA 16226 US Directions


Iron Bridge 5K

10:00AM EST - 11:00AM EST

Iron Bridge 1 Mile Family Fun Walk

10:10AM EST - 11:10AM EST


170 Rosston Circle
Ford City, PA US 16226


Flat and Fast Out and Back Course on the Armstrong Trail.   Starts and Finishes at the Iron Bridge In Rosston, PA.  (Mile Post 39 on the Armstrong Trail.)

Race will help fund the repairs needed to fix the Iron Bridge and eventually will open the Armstrong Trail corridor south of Rosston.

Awards for Top 3 Overall Male and Female Finishers and top 3 in the following age groups for male and female.   19&Under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49. 50-59, 60 & Over.  

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