Hawley, PA US 18428
Our Color Run/Walk affords your child the opportunity to enjoy a physical challenge while helping others. We are glad that you have expressed an interest in participating in this event which funds a local camp. The Arc of Wayne County is an organization dedicated to the enrichment of the lives of individuals who are challenged in some way and who have “special abilities”. One hundred percent of the donations raised each year benefit Dyberry Day Camp and its campers.
This color walk/run features a designated 1 mile course but you’re welcome to repeat the course to make it up to a 5K (3.1 miles). We will begin the race with a color celebration where runners will be covered in color. During the race, participants are doused with color at various color stations. We will end our celebration with a music, free hot dogs, variety of snacks, and treats.
Time Limit
There is no time limit however all racers must be present at the race start time to participate in the run.
Pre & Post Race
The fun continues! We’ll have a music and refreshments!
Race kits are included in your registration fee! Please note that if you do not register before 4/26/2024, you will not receive your race kit as part of your registration! We need to allow for ordering and preparation of your race kits! Please make sure you register within the timeframe to ensure you receive your super cool race kit! Race kit includes: race day T-shirt, sunglasses, 1 packet of powder, a bracelet, sticker, and 2 temporary tattoos!