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Sat September 10 - Sat October 15


National Honey Bee Month დ


September is here! Time to celebrate our little chonky bee friends!

This will be the 3rd annual Hubert Celebrates Honey Bees virtual challenge and just like previous years, you get to customize your medal!

Stay active through the middle of October by running or walking up to 10 distances to fill in your honey comb.
You can do all of the same distance or mix it up! Because of the popularity of other distances, I've added even more options this year.

Distances options for honey cell tokens:

  • 1 Mile
  • 5K
  • 5 Miles (Because bees have 5 eyes)
  • 10K
  • 10 Miles 
  • 13.1 Miles
  • 26.2 Miles
  • 30K (NEW)
  • 50K
  • 100K
  • 50 Miles 
  • 100 Miles 

Honey bees are incredible little creatures and Hubert just adores them.  He loves to plant lots of flowers for all his pollinator friends every spring. This year, he planted lots of broccoli, raspberries, and lilies.
Fall is right around the corner and that means so many yummy treats and good running weather! It’s time for you to get busy and celebrate our little endurance athlete friends in 2021!


I STILL don't run unless a serial killer clown is after me. Can I walk these distances instead?
For sure! Many people can walk faster than I can run! Walk with your pupper, walk around the local park, or walk back and forth in your kitchen--- it's all good!

I don't have a GPS watch or anything like that. Do you need proof?
No GPS watch needed. Just keep track of your time- you will need to record it along with your distance traveled. This is on the honor system!!

Do I have to run all (10) distances before I get my medal?
As soon as you complete and record your first distance, your medal will ship with your first honey comb token. You can stop and not do anymore distances, or you can continue completing distances the remainder of the month. The idea is to encourage you to stay active all month, but if you only manage to do one distance, that is totally cool too! (Remaining tokens will ship at the end of the challenge) Some of you know that I will ship extra tokens if you happen to do many, many distances, so don't feel like you need to stop at just 10.

I don't run long distance- can I just run the 1 mile (10) different times?
Of course! Everyone is in a different place right now, and if you feel like challenging yourself to do the 1 mile distance (10) times, then you do it! You will get (10) 1-mile tokens and you be your awesome self!!

If I run the 100 miles, doesn’t that cover all the distances?
The idea is to stay fit ALL SEPTEMBER LONG, so you should run the different distances separately and enter them separately. Bees travel different distances all day long! You should try to do that all month long and keep your fitness going into fall (the time of year with THE BEST FOOD).

Does the 100K, 50M, and/or 100M  need to be completed in one day?
These longer distances should be completed in ONE ATTEMPT. I know that 100 milers often take longer than 24 hours, but please don’t break this up into different activity sessions. 

Can I do more than one distance in a 24-hour period?
Yes! You can do as many as you want in a day. Want to bang out (10) 1-mile distances and fill up your honey comb right away- do it! Have a long run planned and want to bang out the 1-mile, the 5K and the 10K in one day? Do it!  BUT!!! Keep track of the individual times as you will need to enter those into the website 😊

Do you put the honey comb tokens in the medal for me?
Nope--- this is a medal you get to customize yourself! Like a little DIY project to keep you entertained and motivated!
When they arrive, you pop them into whichever honey comb you want with a dab of glue. Just about any glue will work and TA-DA! Your very own medal!

I am not in the US, can I participate?
Unfortunately, I can no longer ship out of the USA. I AM AO SORRY!!! 

2022 Medal Design

Multiple layers of color and wood and all kinds of goodness! 


Fun bee facts to help you love them even more!

  1. Bees are classified as insects and have (6) legs. 
  2. Honey bees are the only insect that produces food consumed by humans.
  3. Honey is the only foodstuff that contains all of the necessary nutrients to sustain life.
  4. Bees carry pollen on their hind legs called pollen basket.
  5. The perfect hexagons that form honeycomb hold the most amount of honey with the smallest amount of material (wax).
  6. Bees have (2) pairs of wings. The wings have tiny teeth so they can lock together while flying.
  7. Beeswax is produced by the bees. Bees have special glands on their stomach that secrete the wax into little wax pockets on their stomach. The bee takes the wax and chews it with her mandibles and shapes it to make honeycomb.
  8. Though bees have jointed legs, they do not possess anything like a kneecap, and therefore do not have knees. Well, ain't that just the bees knees!
  9. Although bears do like honey, they prefer to eat the bee larvae.
  10. Honey comes in different colors and flavors. The flower where the nectar was gathered from determines the flavor and color of the honey.
  11. Bee venom is used as a treatment for several ailments, including arthritis and high blood pressure.
  12. Nectar is a sweet watery substance that the bees gather. After they process the nectar in their stomach they regurgitate it into the honeycomb cells. Then they fan with their wings to remove excess moisture. The final result is honey.
  13. The practice of beekeeping dates back at least 4,500 years and is said to be the second oldest profession.
  14. A productive queen can lay up to 2,500 eggs per day.
  15. Bees are attracted to caffeine.
  16. During a single collection trip, a honey bee will visit anywhere from 50 to 100 flowers.
  17. The honey bee is the official insect of Maine.
  18. Honey is 25% sweeter than table sugar.
  19. Bees, like many insects, see from approximately 300 to 650 nm. That means they can't see the color red, but they can see in the ultraviolet spectrum (which humans cannot).

Post Virtual Results!

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