3931 William Penn Hwy
Mifflintown, PA US 17059
The Juniata High School Student Council is hosting our 2nd Annual 5k Color Run and Kid Run on June 3rd. Participants who register for the race will complete the course, and at the end of the race have the opportunity to interact with our local business sponsors. We have hopes of raising at least $18,000 to meet our most esteemed goals for 2023-2024. Those goals are as follows:
1. Continue to reduce and eliminate sports activities fees for all JHS and TJHS athletes.
2. Create a scholarship program for the music department’s Disney World trip. Currently, every four years the band has the opportunity to attend and play in Disney World and cost can inhibit some students from taking part-we’d like to change that!
3. Create a general fund to help support students in need of proper equipment for respective extracurriculars.
Entry Fee:
5k run/walk is $20. Must be registered by May 15th to guarantee a t-shirt.
Kid Fun Run (12 & Under) is $16 - Does not not include a race bib and it will not be timed. Must register by May 15th to guarantee a t-shirt
Early Bird Registration Ends May 15th for both the 5k and Kids Fun Run to get a shirt! You can still register after May 15th but you will not receive a shirt.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.