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Kristin's Krusade 5K Run/Walk

Sat April 8, 2017 Philadelphia, PA 19131 US Directions


5K Run

10:00AM EDT

5K Run Students

10:00AM EDT

5K Fitness Walk

10:00AM EDT


Saint Joseph's University
5600 City Avenue
Philadelphia, PA US 19131


Race Purpose: Raise funds to create grants for agencies in Philadelphia and Baltimore working to educate about dating violence on college campuses.

Location: Saint Joseph’s University, 5600 City Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19131 Awards: Awards to top 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Finishers in both Female and Male

Entry: Prices: $20 Registration for Runners (and Walkers) / $10 Registration for Students with ID. Team Registration available for groups of 4 or more. Special swag for team members

Amenities: Official Kristin’s Krusade 2017 T shirt (limited supply) – plus refreshments, prizes, etc.

Questions: Email:

Mission: The mission of the Kristin Mitchell Foundation is to end the devastating effects of dating abuse by raising awareness about warning signs and preventative actions.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Kristin's Story

When Dating Violence Hurts...


Kristin was taking off in life. She had just graduated college and was excited about the new job. It looked as if nothing could stop her successful start. But twenty days later, a guy she had been dating for a short while had other plans. His manipulative approach and controlling nature snapped when she attempted to break up with him. So he ended her life.

We cannot redo the past, but we will direct the future." ~ Bill Mitchell, Kristin's father

Printable Application

Click link below for printable application.

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