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St.Christopher School Halloween Dragon Dash

Sat October 26, 2019 Philadelphia, PA 19116 US Directions



13305 Proctor Rd
St. Christopher's School
Philadelphia, PA US 19116


The St.Christopher School Alumni Association invites you to participate in the  2019 Halloween Dragon Dash.  The fun, family event is open to runners/walkers of all ages and abilities.  Strollers are welcome, but we ask that you do not bring pets.  

Registration packet pick up will be available on Friday, October 25th from 5-7pm and  at 8 am race morning.

Runners will depart from Trainer Hall at St.Christopher School and wind through the neighborhood of Somerton.  Each racer will receive a St.Christopher Dragon Dash t-shirt, water, and soft pretzels.  The race is  professionally timed by Bryn Mawr Racing Co.  This is a Halloween themed run, and all runners and walkers are encouraged to wear costumes.  Teams of four or more will receive discounted pricing, so bring a few friends along for this event!  If you do not wish to run, come out and cheer on your neighbors!  Look out for some treats along the route!  O'Mares Irish Pub will sponsor our after party! Grab your family and friends and head over to O/Mares for a post race libation and some breakfast! 

All proceeds go to St.Christopher School to help keep StChrisStrong!!!

Brian Wolf 215-964-2483

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