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Students Run 20K (Virtual)

Fri November 13 - Sun November 15


FREE (Medal Included)
Shirt, Medal, Scarf, Gaiter Mask


We invite you to join our students and mentors as they complete the first ever Students Run 20K! The magic of marathon weekend won't be with us this year, but together we can create a memorable race weekend for our students' milestone race. All registrations directly support students participating in the Students Run 20K and the gear and fuel they need to do so including: mentorship and training leading up to the race, Garmin GPS watch, sneakers, race weekend goodies, running apparel, and finisher medals. 

How It Works 

The Students Run 20K takes place any time and anywhere from November 13th- 15th.  You pick the time and place. Make it a 20K your way by running it all at once or accumulating 20K over multiple runs throughout the weekend.  Please be sure to wear a mask and practice social distancing!  You'll be able to pick-up your medal/Race Box at Philadelphia Runner or elect to have it shipped to you for an additional fee. 

Our students will be running the Students Run 20K November 13th-15th in safe, socially distanced small groups around Philadelphia. If you see them running in their blue shirts give them a shout!

Your Options: 

1) Free For All: Because running should be accessible for all.

-Virtual 20K entry, or whatever distance you'd like to attempt
-Finisher medal

If you need further support for your run like a training plan, route map, or running gear please contact us and we will do our best to equip you with what you need.

2) The Race Box 


-Virtual 20K entry for you and one of our students

-The Race Box  

  • SRPS running tech shirt
  • Finisher medal
  • SRPS scarf
  • SRPS gaiter mask 

Pick-up at Philadelphia Runner

You'll be able to pick-up your medal/Race Box at Philadelphia Runner or elect to have it shipped to you for an additional fee. Pick-up times for Philadelphia Runner:

University City (3621 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA): 11/6 3pm-6pm and 11/7 10am-1pm

Manayunk (4358 Main Street Philadelphia, PA): 11/13 3pm-6pm and 11/14 10am-1pm

Carb Credit by Black and Mobile

We're partnering with Black and Mobile to provide you with a Carb Credit option to fuel your race weekend.  For an additional $15 donation to Students Run Philly Style, you'll provide a student running the Students Run 20K with a metal lunchbox overflowing with race weekend nutrition AND you'll get $15 to spend on your own race weekend meal on the Black and Mobile delivery app (Philly delivery only). 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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