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A Celebration of David Norman April

Saturday April 27, 2024 Philadelphia Brewing Company

What Is A Fundraiser?

A fundraiser is any person (or group of people) who want to do more to support the building of the David April Emergency Patient Support Center. Everyone who signs up to be a fundraiser will get a unique link to a fundraising page. You can customize that page to share how David impacted your life - and how the Emergency Patient Support Center can impact more lives. Then, simply share your fundraising page with family and friends via social media and email and see how much you can raise!

If you've ever fundraised to run a race like the London Marathon (or donated to someone who has), it's the same idea - you just don't have to run a marathon at the end!

What Is A Fundraising Team?

A fundraising team is simply a group of fundraisers who want to work together towards a common goal. You can join (or create) a fundraising team when you become a fundraiser, or anytime after. If you did not join a team initially and want to now, you can do that via these instructions. All donations made to your individual fundraiser are counted towards the team total. 

Fundraising Goal


Raised of $250,000


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