Thank You For Fundraising
Thank you for your interest in fundraising for Legacy of Hope's David April fund. Your fundraising will enable the organization to open the David April Emergency Patient Support Center! A fundraiser is simply a supporter of the fundraising goal who is willing to reach out to family and friends to raise more money. Once you become a fundraiser, you'll get your own custom fundraising page that you can send to your friends and family via email and social media. You can use the page as-is, but we recommend customizing it for maximum impact.
You can become a fundraiser regardless of whether you are able to attend the Celebration event. Below you can find a few tips, best practices, and how-to's to help you meet your personal fundraising goals!
All fundraisers who raise at least $223 will have their name on a donor plaque at the forthcoming David April Emergency Patient Support Center.
Tips for Successful Fundraisers
1. Customize your fundraiser
Add personal details about the impact David had on your life, and the impact Legacy of Hope can make with more funding. You can even add a custom slideshow! How-to information for customizing your page are here.
2. Consider joining a team.
While you're welcome to fundaise as an individual, joining together as a team (like a neighborhood group) can be more fun and rewarding. Learn how to create or join a team.
3. Send an email blast.
Email your friends and family a link to your fundraiser and a little information about why you're fundraising.
4. Share your fundraiser link on social media.
Share your fundraiser link on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok...whatever is your social media platform of choice!
5. Host your own fundraising event
Feeling really ambitious? Host your own fundraising event for friends and family and ask for contributions. Common fundraising events include a happy hour, game night, or movie screening!