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UPMC Sports Medicine - Runner Assessments

Sat February 3, 2018 Pittsburgh, PA 15203 US Directions


Runner Assessments

6:30AM EST - 8:00AM EST


UPMC Rooney Sports Complex
3200 South Water Street
Pittsburgh, PA US 15203


Kick off your training the right way!


UPMC Sports Medicine will be hosting free runner assessments ahead of the UPMC Health Plan Pittsburgh Half Marathon Kick-off Run on Saturday, February 3, 2018. 


Lower extremity musculoskeletal screens will be performed by Physical Therapists and Athletic Trainers.  Any deficits found in strength and/or flexibility will be addressed on the spot with corrective exercise demos.  Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to speak with a Sports Medicine Physician regarding more significant findings and establish a follow-up plan if needed.


We are proud to announce there will also be a few spots available for a more in-depth Gait Analysis session.  The gait assessment is a 2D video analysis to identify biomechanics of the lower extremity that are consistent with common lower extremity injuries (i.e., knee pain, etc.).  Registration for these appointments will be on a first come, first served basis.


If you are not already wearing running gear that morning, please bring shorts and running shoes with you.


Runner Assessment Contact Info

If you have any questions about this Runner Assessment, click the button below.


Runner Assessment Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your runner assessment experience.

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