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Taller Than the Trees Virtual 5K

Fri November 20 - Mon November 30 Pottstown, PA 19464 US Directions


1794 Gilbertsville Road
Pottstown, PA US 19464


Althouse Arboretum is a magical place. It has so much to offer anyone who walks in. There are children exploring, laughing ,running  and playing. Adults who are walking, gardening and  wandering. Students who are creating, building, sharing, teaching and leading. From the moment  I mistakenly found myself at the arboretum on a run a few years ago, it has been my place. I have run and walked and found solace there. My kids have played, hiked, explored, wondered and got the best kind of dirty there. It is run by the community for the community. Please join my in getting outside and appreciating the beauty around you during a virtual 5K run or walk. All proceeds will go directly to the arboretum to support the organic garden created by the student interns. This food is sold the the community, sources to local restaurants and given to the local hospital to provide healthy foods for our community. It will go towards more trees being planted and it will be used to help fund the many outdoor community events the arboretum holds all year. 

"We don't inherit the earth from the ancestors, we borrow it from our children."

"And into the forest I go to loose my mind and find my soul."

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