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Sat May 11, 2019 Spring Mills, PA 16875 US Directions



9:00AM EDT


106 School Street
PO Box 175
Spring Mills, PA US 16875


RACE DAY: Saturday, May 11, 2019 at the Old Gregg School in Spring Mills, PA.  Registration opens at 8:00am and race begins at 9:00am.


AWARDS: 1st Place Female and 1st Place Male overall. First, second, and third place medals in each age group in both the male and female categories. Door prizes will also be available on-site.

REGISTRATION: Cost is $30 per participant. Registration is available online through Wednesday, May 8, 2019 and in-person starting at 8:00am on Race Day.

RACE DESCRIPTION: Join us for our 5k Run/Walk through beautiful Penns Valley. The mostly flat out and back course along Sinking Creek Road will start and end near the Old Gregg School in Spring Mills, PA. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Penns Valley Youth Center and Penns Valley Young Life

Race Contact Info

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