Race Website
Additional race information can be found at http://www.faithwesleyanchurch.com.
Williamsport, PA US 17701
The Growing Faith Preschool Virtual 5K is a great way to support the preschool with new materials and equipment for next year as well as have a goal to keep you moving even with the shelter-in-place orders! Just register online through run signup.com, or by printing out the registration form at www.faithwesleyanchurch.com and mailing it in with your payment. Then just make a goal of completing 3.1 miles on any day and time that fits your schedule! Check our FaceBook page @growingfaithprek5k to post pictures and times as it would encourage our families and students since they're doing school online like everyone else now! A t-shirt will be mailed to you (or picked up/dropped off, if local) and a finisher's certificate is available to print from the website listed above.
Race Contact Info
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Race Participant Survey
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