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Quarterback Club of York 5K

Sat July 27, 2019 York, PA 17406 US Directions


400 Mundis Race Rd
York, PA US 17406


Saturday, July 27, 8 am at John Rudy Park
Runners of all ages - Held on the YAIAA Championship Course

Chip Timing - Scholastic Runners - Enter as a team

A great kickoff for the upcoming high school and middle school cross country seasons.

Team trophy for top scoring High School (grades 9-12) and Middle School (7-8) teams
Music! Prizes! Pizza! Event tee-shirts for sale!
Post-Race Awards Ceremony and Party in the Park

Trophies for Top 3 overall male and female finishers, Top Over 40 Male and Female
  Plus: Trophies for following male and female divisions

12-under; 13-15; 16-19; 20-39; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60-69; 70-over
Registration Fees:
Early entry before July 15 $20 adult; $15 18-under

Race Day entry $25 adult; $20 18-under
Commemorative race day tech shirts available for $12

 A proceeds go to Quarterback Club of York, Inc
Supporting youth football with more than $300,000 in scholarships already awarded

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