Information for Participants
(Subject to change)
Race Day Check-in
Check-in opens at 7:30 am on Race Day, Saturday May 17.
Check-in on Race Day as soon as you arrive and receive your bib and t-shirt. If you did not register before May 1, your t-shirt size selection is first come first serve.
Race Schedule
The Kids fun Run will start at 8:30am. Children 10 and younger.
The 5K Run and Walk starts at 9:00am.
Race Day Registration
All registration is on-line including Race Day. A QR code for your cell phone makes it simple. The code is posted on a sign near the check in area. No phone? go to the registration table.
You must still check-in after registering.
Pick up your bib during check-in. The race photographers require that you attach your bib to the front of your upper body.
Location, Route and Parking
See the Race Location, Route and Parking menu item.
Restrooms are available in the Town Beach Pavillion area from 8:00 am to 12 noon.
Race Results
Preliminary results will be available on Runsignup. Check the link (insert link) or the QR code displayed in the registration area. We are also planning to send you an email message with your personal results shortly after you finish the race. All questions about the results are handled by the timer.
Top overall First place Male and Female 5K finishers
Top two Male and Female 5k finishers in each age group:
19 and under
Overall winners will be recognized in a brief ceremony. All other awards will be awarded as soon as the results are posted. Check your phone to learn if you earned an award.
All children 10 and under will receive a certificate. Get these certificates at the Awards table.
Lost and Found
Contact the Race Director.
Water is available at two water stations along the race route. After the race, water and bananas are available for all the participants. Please use the waste containers provided.