In the interest of promoting an enjoyable running and racing experience for everyone, Running Zone Foundation encourages good runners’ etiquette. Whether running in a group or running alone, we ask that you follow the general rules below.
Whatever the pace, wherever the race, manners matter.
General Rules for Running in an Event
All runners have a collective responsibility to keep the event safe. Races generally discourage running with dogs and headphones. If you must run with headphones, please keep the volume low enough to hear vehicular traffic and instructions from volunteers and race officials.
*Pre-register even if same day registration is offered. This will help ease the registration process for everyone involved.
*Check your registration information carefully, especially if you are racing for an award or prize money.
*Use the facilities before the race start to lessen the need once on course and help keep the facilities clean for person in line after you.
*Pin your race number on the front of your shirt/shorts. This is where it is most visible for photographers and race officials.
*Line up according to how fast you plan to run or walk the event. Slower runners and walkers should move to the back of the race pack. Just because you arrived early does not mean you should be at the front of the starting line.
*Pay attention to the pre-race instructions. This is NOT the time to be blaring your favorite song on your personal music device.
*If you are not registered for the race, please do not participate in the race.
Race Etiquette on Course
*If you drop something as the race starts, don’t stop and pick it up! Wait until almost everyone has crossed the starting line; then retrieve it.
*Don’t drop clothing on the course after you warm-up. If you must shed layers of clothing, tie them around your waist or place them on the side of the road where no one will trip over them. If you drop it; don’t expect to get it back.
*Run or walk no more than two abreast.
*Do not block runners coming up behind you by swerving needlessly back and forth across the course.
*If you are walking in a group, stay to the back of the pack and follow the two abreast rule.
*Move to the side if someone behind you says “excuse me” or “on your right/left”. The person behind you is giving you a heads up before passing. It’s proper race etiquette to let that person pass you without blocking their effort.
*If you need to tie your shoe or stop for any reason (phone call, nose blow, etc) move to the side of the road and step off the course.
*Pay attention to your surroundings. The course may or may not be closed to traffic. It is your responsibility to watch for oncoming traffic! Always be vigilant!
*Yield the right of way to all police and emergency vehicles. Yield the course to wheel chair athletes. You can change direction or stop more quickly than they can, especially on a downhill.
*Younger Children: If you have younger children entered in a race, please discuss how to start off slow and to line up according to the estimated pace per mile in the start area. We time all events based on “net” time so starting towards the back of the corral does not negatively affect the overall time. Also, please educate your children to never stop abruptly during a race as a participant directly behind them may fall as a result. Please let them know to try and move to the side, slow down and then walk but not to stop without any warning.
*Don’t cheat! Don’t cut the course or run with someone else’s number.
*Enjoy your race!
Aid Station Etiquette
*When approaching an aid station to hydrate or re-fuel, move to the right and grab your fluid/nutritional needs from the volunteers or the aid tables then continue forward away from the volunteers or aid table.
*If you need to stop at an aid station step to the right side of the road and proceed to the aid station, but do not block others from accessing the aid tables or volunteers handing out fluids.
*Throw your used cup to the right side away from the course as close to an aid station as possible. Drop your cup down by your waist as opposed to tossing it over your shoulder. The person behind you may not appreciate the shower if the cup is not empty.
*Say thank you to the volunteers supporting the aid station.
*If you see someone in distress on the course, report their number to the aid station and try to recall the approximate mile marker where you saw them.
Finish Line Etiquette
*If you neglected to leave your personal music device at home, now would be the most important time to remove your headphones.
*Follow the instructions of the race officials at the finish.
*If a friend or family member is running the last stretch with you and isn’t in the race, he/she should move off the course before the finish chute starts.
*Once you have crossed the finish line, keep moving forward until the end of the finish chute.
*Exit the chute and wait for friends or family in a central location.
*Enjoy the post-race refreshments, but remember it is not an all you can eat buffet for you and your family.
*Be proud of your accomplishment!
Awards Etiquette
If you won an award, stay for the award ceremony. It is about you, after all.
*If you feel you deserved an award but your name was not announced, don’t run on stage to debate the award with the announcer. The announcer usually just reads the information given to them by the race officials. Find a race official and discuss the discrepancy with them.
*If you missed your name being called during the award presentation, please wait until after the award presentation is complete until asking for your award.