Register For
2025 NCS Take the Hill 5K & Kids Fun Run

Roanoke, VA 24018

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Choose Your Event(s) *

Kids Fun Run
Open to ages 2 - 12.

$15.00 + $1.90 SignUp Fee

Event Preview

Sunday, September 14, 2025 at 8:30AM on the North Cross School Campus in Roanoke, VA.

The Kids Fun Run is an untimed 0.8-mile event. The course starts and finishes at the same starting line as the 5K. It loops the Fishwick Tennis Center Hill. An NCS Cross-Country Runner will lead the kids, while other NCS Cross-Country Runners will stay at the back to ensure no children are left behind. Parents are also welcome to run or walk with their children during the event. The first three children to cross the finish line will be recognized but since it is an untimed event, no times will be recorded.. Kids will receive a race shirt but no race bibs.

Timed 5K - Competitive Run

$25.00 + $2.50 SignUp Fee

Event Preview

Sunday, September 14, 2025 at 9AM on the North Cross School Campus in Roanoke, VA.

This is a timed event by Run Roanoke.

The Ridgeline Course is one of this area's toughest cross-country courses. Race Marshals, Public Safety, and NCSPA members will be along the course and at intersections to guide you, but take some time to look over the course map. It is every athlete's responsibility to know the course. Stay focused, and do not let a spectator, another participant, or a marshal decide your race for you!

5K Walkers - Non-Timed Event

$20.00 + $2.20 SignUp Fee

Event Preview

Sunday, September 14, 2025 at 9:15AM on the North Cross School Campus in Roanoke, VA.

For walkers who prefer a non-competitive event, the Walkers Only 5K will start at 9:15 a.m., following the same course as the runners. This is a non-timed event. You will receive a race shirt but NOT a race bib, since it is an untimed event.

Race Marshals, Public Safety, and NCSPA members will be along the course and at intersections to guide you, but take a moment to look over the course map.

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