AGREEMENT: I wish to participate in the 2025 Run for the Ribbon on June 15, 2025 and/or its affiliated activities, fundraising and events (collectively, the “Event”). I understand that all donations made in connection with the Event are non-refundable and non-transferable, irrespective of my participation in the Event. I also understand that any and all registration fees are non-refundable, non-transferable and not tax deductible.
WAIVER AND RELEASE: This Waiver and Release Agreement (“Agreement”) is given in consideration for being allowed to participate in the Event. I represent that I am in good physical condition and am solely responsible for my personal health, safety and personal property. I understand that it is recommended that I discuss my participation in the Event with my primary care physician. I understand that the Event is a potentially hazardous activity and I voluntarily assume full and complete responsibility for any injury, accident, or loss that may occur during my participation in the Event or while on Event premises or during any fundraising activities associated with the Event. I understand that during my participation in the Event, I will be on public streets and facilities where hazardous conditions exist, and I am aware and appreciate the risks that may result. I am also aware that accidents may occur during my participation in the Event that could result in serious injury or death I understand and personally assume the risk of COVID-19 from attending the event. I agree that my participation in the Event is voluntary with knowledge of all risks. I, for myself, my heirs and next of kin, administrators and executors, unconditionally and irrevocably release and hold harmless, and covenant not to file suit against Michigan Men's Health Foundation, MIU Run for the Ribbon, MIU Men’s Health Foundation, Fight Like a Man Detroit, Fight Like A Man International, Michigan Institute of Urology, P.C., the City of Royal Oak, the City of Huntington Woods, the Detroit Zoo, any and all Event sponsors, organizers, volunteers, officials and their respective parents, subsidiaries, successors, assigns, affiliates, suppliers, licensees, and the respective directors, officers, employees, shareholders and agents of same and all other persons or entities associated with the Event (collectively, “Released Parties”) for any and all injuries, damages, or losses which I or my minor child(ren) may sustain while participating in or attending, in any way, the Event or while on Event premises, or during any fundraising activities associated with the Event, or which may hereafter accrue to me or my minor child(ren), regardless of the form or action or basis of the claim, whether in contract or tort (including strict liability and any negligence or carelessness of the Released Parties). I understand and personally assume the risk of Covid-19 from attending the event. I understand that I am responsible for any and all medical coverage for me and my minor child(ren) throughout the duration of the Event. I acknowledge that I am solely responsible for my personal health and safety, and the personal property I may bring with me in connection with my participation in the Event. I further understand that I can be removed and/or eliminated from the Event should I fail to comply with all rules and directions of the Event. In the event of injury, accident or illness during my participation in the Event, I consent to receive, and authorized Event organizers, officials, participants, volunteers, and spectators to use their discretion to administer first aid, medical case and/or medical treatment.
PHOTOGRAPHIC, IMAGE AND RESULTS RELEASE: I further give the Released Parties the irrevocable right to use, for any purposes whatsoever and without any compensation, any photographs, video, audio and/or other recordings of me and my minor child(ren) that are made during the course of the Event and the results of my or my minor child(ren)'s participation in the Event, including my name and image, and the name(s) and image(s) of my child(ren). I release the Released Parties from any liability, damages or claims resulting from the use of my image or the image of my child(ren), including, but not limited to, claims of libel or invasion of privacy.
This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of the State of Michigan. In the event any provision of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable by law, the Released Parties shall have the right to modify such provision(s) to the extent necessary to be deemed enforceable and all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. I understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing this Agreement have done so voluntarily without any inducement, assurance or guarantee being made to me and intend my signature to be a complete and unconditional release of liability to the greatest extent permitted by law.