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Lad Lake's Kettle Classic Bike- Walk- Run Event 2025

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$35.00 $30.00

Event Preview

The 63-mile ride (a metric century) takes you to some remote rural areas. It has a number of rather challenging hills and some long flat portions. It takes the riders out toward the Southern Kettle Moraine, Oak Hill, Little Prairie, Whitewater, Hebron, and Palmyra. If you are determined to ride full centuries later in the summer, a metric in June is a perfect way to start. There are three full-service rest stops on the metric century.

$35.00 $30.00

Event Preview

The 30-mile ride is a bit hillier and is mostly on rural roads. It goes near Sullivan, Oak Hill, and around Ottawa Lake. There is one rest stop on this loop.

$35.00 $30.00

The 15-mile ride is a fairly flat loop in the Town of Ottawa. Most of it is on rural roads, and village roads in Waterville, Ottawa, and Dousman. A short portion of it is on the trail. Great for beginners and families. 

$35.00 $30.00

 5K (3.1 miles) run on the beautiful Lad Lake grounds. While the Glacial Drumlin Trail runs adjacent Lad Lake, only a very small portion of the run is near or on the trail. Although the route is not terribly long by cross country standards, this type of run is a favorite of serious cross country runners who like a variety of terrain on which to run. There are open fields, dense woods, a boardwalk, small hills, gravel paths, cornfields, and some rocky terrain all for those who like a running challenge.

The top 3 male & female finishers in the 5K Run event will receive a custom medal immediately after finishing.

$35.00 $30.00

Event Preview

There will be a 5K (3.1 miles) walk on the beautiful Lad Lake grounds. While the Glacial Drumlin Trail runs adjacent to Lad Lake, only a very small portion of the walk is near or on the trail.  This walk will have a variety of terrains on which to walk. There are open fields, dense woods, a boardwalk, small hills, gravel paths, cornfields, and some rocky terrain all for those who are you a  fun challenge. Great family opportunity. 

$35.00 $30.00

Event Preview

In lieu of large gatherings, we welcome you to bike, walk, or run with your family and closest supporters in a location that’s safe for you.  Whether that is from your home, neighborhood, or favorite trails, you can still support Lad Lake and make a difference to some of Wisconsin’s most vulnerable youth.


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In consideration of you accepting this entry, I, the participant, intending to be legally bound, do hereby waive and forever release any and all rights and claims for damages or injuries that I may have against Lad Lake,, and all of their agents assisting with the event, sponsors and their representatives, volunteers and employees for any and all injuries to me or my personal property. This release includes all injuries and/or damages suffered by me before, during or after the event. I recognize, intend and understand that this release is binding on my heirs, executors, administrators, or assignees.

I know that cycling on the road, and running/ walking is a potentially hazardous activities. I should only participate if I am medically able to do so and properly trained. I assume all risks associated with participating in this event, including, but not limited to: falls, contact with other participants, the effects of weather, traffic, and course conditions, and waive any and all claims which I might have based on any of those and other risks typically found in running, cycling or walking. I acknowledge that all such risks are known and understood by me. I agree to abide by all decisions of any official event relative to my ability to complete the event safely. I certify as a material condition to my being permitted to enter this event that I am physically fit and sufficiently trained for the completion of this event and that a licensed Medical Doctor has verified my physical condition.

In the event of an illness, injury, or medical emergency arising during the event, I hereby authorize and give my consent to Lad Lake to secure from any accredited hospital, clinic and/ or physician any treatment deemed necessary for my immediate care. I agree that I will be fully responsible for payment of any and all medical services and treatment rendered to me, including but not limited to medical transport, medications, treatment, and hospitalization.

By submitting this entry, I acknowledge (or a parent or adult guardian for all children under 18 years) having read and agreed to the above release and waiver.

Further, I grant permission to all the foregoing to use my name, voice, and images of myself in any photographs, motion pictures, results, publications or any other print, video graphics or electronic recording of this event for legitimate purposes.

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