Participant FAQ
The basics
- Track your distance each time you explore outside using your favorite app or map and then add your miles to your results page.
- Log your distance regularly! Setting yourself a daily or weekly alert can help you stay on top of tracking.
- You can log your miles later if you forget to log them on the day of your activity (until the event closes on November 5).
- You can add comments when you log activity - What did you do? Which preserve or park did you visit? Did you bring a friend?
How to log your activity
- Visit the 'Results' tab - click 'Submit virtual results' button at the top, or search for your name and click your profile
- Click the 'Log activities' button
- Enter 'Date Completed', 'Distance in Miles', and any (optional) comments
- Please use a 3:1 biking/horseback riding to walking ratio
- Click 'Submit Activity'
- You can see your progress/total miles tracked on your results page.