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Shamrock Shuffle

March 16, 2025 Spokane, WA 99201 US Directions

Course Maps


Aid Stations / Nutrition:

Aid Stations will be equipped water and sports drink, GU gels, and gummy bear chews.  Water will be provided at the starting line.
First aid kits will be located at all Aid Stations on each course, and at the Finish Line.
Half Marathon: There will be Aid Stations located roughly every 2-3 miles along the course.
10K: There will be TWO Aid Stations located along the course.
5K: There will be ONE Aid Station for the 5K.
There will be toilets near every aid station along the course.




Runner Safety:

This event takes place on city roads and sidewalks. There will be law enforcement or flaggers to help runners main cross roads, but please be alert when you are running and pay attention to course officials at all crossings. Any runner using headphones should make sure their have only one headphone in their ear, or use bone conduction headphones. 




Half Marathon (13.1 Miles)




10K (6.2 Miles)




5K (3.1 Miles)




Kids Fun Run - Out and back course

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