This event aims to raise much needed funds to support Christian Food Bank of Hopkins County. The food bank serves as a lifeline to individuals in Hopkins County who have found themselves a little short. Since 2020 when Covid first hit some hard, and now gas and food prices sky rocketing, it can take as little as one missed paycheck to find it hard to make ends meet. The Christian Food Bank of Hopkins County provides food for individuals and families - with grace and dignity. Please help us to help our community. (Christian Food Bank is a non-profit 501c3 - all donations are tax deductible.
Would your business/group like to volunteer and help us make this a fun and well organized event? We need volunteers for packet pick-up on Wednesday, November 27th from 11:00am - 3:30pm. On race day we need volunteers to help with set-up (6:30am-8:00am), tear down (10:00am-11:00am),parking attendants, (adults only) packet pick-up, gear check, timing and traffic control (adults only.) Groups of 5 or more will be entitled to some sponsor benefits, such as their group or business name on race t-shirts. Volunteers must be over 18 unless accompanied by an adult at all times. Please email irunforthehungry@gmail.com