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2021 Greenville Tri Club Q1 Swim Clinic Series at The Kroc Center

Sun January 10 - Sun April 18 Greenville, SC 29601 US Directions


424 Westfield St
Greenville, SC US 29601


We will kick of 2021 with 2 x 6 week swim clinics.   We will kick off the first clinic starting Sunday January 10th at 5pm and go for 6 weeks.  We will take a 2 week break between the clinics and then the second clinic will begin on Sunday March 7th at 5pm and go for another 6 weeks.

You may sign up for 1 or both.  We will limit to 12 per clinic to keep spacing in the pool as reasonable as possible.  

The cost per clinic will be $90 for each 6 week period.  You will receive a second workout to do during the week to supplement what we focus on during the clinic.

This is a FIRM limit at 12 people per clinic and is only open to current members of the Greenville Tri Club.

Please Note - Clinic 2 will skip the Sunday of Easter and the last clinic day will be April 18th.

Clinic 1 Dates
January 10, 17, 24, 31
February 7, 14

Clinic 2 Dates
March 7, 14, 21, 28
April 11, 18

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