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iRunic’s Holiday Heroes Virtual 5K 2021

Sun December 5 - Tue February 1 Greer, SC 29651 US Directions


Anywhere USA
Greer, SC US 29651


Isn’t it iRunic - we are closer together, six feet apart! Join us for the 2nd Annual iRunic Holiday Hero 5K. This virtual race benefits the American Heart Association and honors the men and women that serve our communities each day. Local heroes come to aid of the 805,000 Americans that suffer from a heart attack each year. Their efforts, largely unseen, save countless lives. This year, we want to come together while maintaining our distance and honor our local heroes. We would also like to encourage physical exercise which is essential to reducing the risk of heart disease. So, will you answer the call to be a Holiday Hero?


How it works:

Get Registered

Click to Sign-up

Complete your distance on a pre-measured course, with a tracking device or indoors on a treadmill. All you have to do is complete your race by 1/31/2022.

Share your race experience by capturing pictures of yourself before, during, or after your race. Don't forget to start your watch as you take your first steps and note your total time at the finish. 

Get Your Gear


Your packet will be automatically mailed to you as soon as possible after the Virtual Event window.

Run and Submit Your Time

Submit your virtual run time during the Virtual Event window of Friday, December 5, 2021 – Monday, January 31st, 2022. Just pick a course of your choice and knock out your 3.1 miles. Submitting your time is done through the RunSignUp registration system that you used to register for the race. Here are the steps to submit your virtual run time:

1. Login to your RunSignUp account and make sure you have the correct person selected.

2. Select the “Upcoming Events” tab. Then select “Submit Virtual Results.”

3. Complete the the form and submit your result!

4. Your entry will now show in the virtual race results. Congratulations!

Remember, this isn't a timed race. The goal is to have fun and get in a run all while supporting a great cause!


We’ll email race results as quickly as possible after the Virtual Event window so you can see how you fared against the rest of the flock. Then, we highly suggest doing a Hero Pose and share your accomplishment on all the social medias. Tag your photos on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook with #IrunicHH2022#healthyheart5k

You’ve completed Irunic's Holiday Heroes Virtual Race.


About the American Heart Association

For nearly 100 years, the American Heart Association has been fighting heart disease and stroke, striving to save and improve lives. The six cardiologists who founded the American Heart Association in 1924 would be amazed. From humble beginnings, the AHA has grown into the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary organization dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. A shared focus on cardiovascular health unites more than 33 million volunteers and supporters as well as their more than 3,400 employees.

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer worldwide, and stroke ranks second globally. Even when those conditions don’t result in death, they cause disability and diminish the quality of life. The American Heart Association wants to see a world free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.


Entry to Irunic's Holiday Heroes Virtual 5K includes:

  • Official Holiday Heroes shirt
  • Finisher MEDAL
  • Official RACE BIB
  • DONATION to the American Heart Association
  • Training Plan
  • Custom Playlist 

Additional Fees

Shipping : $5.00

Holiday Heroes Medal Series Bundle

This year we are so excited to kick off our Holiday Heroes race series that consists of four individual medals that interlock together to create our Unique Holiday Hero Lineup. Simply answer the call for the next four Holiday Hero races and complete your medal lineup.

***Series Discount; Sign up for all 4 Holiday Heroes 5k Races and pay for 3. The first medal of the series will be released this year and the remaining three will be released during their corresponding year (2022, 2023, and 2024).

Holiday Heroes Series Medals Release Information

Do you have a run crew?

Do you have a run/walk crew that you enjoy running/walking with? If so, create a Hero Team and invite all your friends to join you in all the fun. Teams of five will receive $5 cash back on their registration. So grab your friends and get registered today. 


Sign up for the Irunic's Holiday Hero's 5k
Once your registration is complete, you will receive a unique referral link to share with your friends, family or post on social media
Get 10 FRIENDS to sign up using your unique referral link and you will automatically receive a refund of $5.00. Cha-Ching!
Get 15 FRIENDS to sign up using your unique referral link and you will receive a refund of $10.00. Cha-Ching!
Keep Sharing!

Do you know a local Holiday Hero?

You must be a participant to view this content.

Have An Account?

Holiday Heroes Playlist



What is a virtual run/walk? A virtual run where an individual can run (or walk) from the location of their choice. At your own pace, you can run, jog, walk, on the trail, on the treadmill, at the gym, or on the track. Once you're done, you submit your results and share your virtual run photos with us on social media.

Why virtual? We're all practicing safe physical distancing to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus - and this is critical. However, we cannot lose sight of our physical and mental health during this time. A virtual run provides us the ability to exercise safely while also socially interacting with our community (online). While in-person engagement is ideal, online interaction can be a healthy way to reconnect with friends, family, and our running community.

When must I complete my run? For this event you must complete your run from December 5th - January 31, anytime and anywhere.

Is there a specific way to track our time? This virtual run, like most, is based on the honor system. You may download and use a tracking app on your phone, watch, or any fitness device of your choice.

When will I receive my swag bag with my medal/bib/shirt? Shipping the first round of Swag bags with race goodies will start in Mid Dec 2020. The second round of medals will ship the first week of January. Medal 1 will be shipped this year and medals 2-3 of the medal series will be released and shipped during their corresponding years(2022,2023, and 2024).


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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