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Thu April 23, 2020 Mount Pleasant, SC 29466 US


Laing Color Dash

1:30PM EDT - 3:30PM EDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


2705 Bulrush Basket Lane
Mount Pleasant, SC US 29466


The Laing PTO and the Laing Whole-School School STEM Foundation are hosting our very own color run called the Laing Color Dash!  Laing keeps 100% of the money we raise from this fundraiser.  This homegrown event is being organized by parent volunteers and school staff.  We have a fundraising goal of $50,000. Each student has a goal of $30 to participate in the color run.  Students will be squirted with colored powder from parent volunteers as they run/walk around a course set up at the school.  We encourage parents and friends to come to the school and line the track and cheer them on!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


We have AMAZING prizes this year!  Prizes will be awarded based on the TOTAL amount raised by each student.  All donations must either be made inline with a credit card, or by cash/check submitted to the front office in order to receive credit and get prizes. 
  • All Students- Laing Color Dash Run Bracelet
  • $30+ in donations- Participate in the Color Dash on Friday, April 23 during school hours.
  • $50+ in donations- One entry into the daily awesome prize raffle announced on the morning program!
  • $100+ in donations-  Raising Cane’s delivered to the school for lunch!
  • The TOP THREE fundraisers in the school will receive a $200 GIFT CARD OF THEIR CHOICE!

The TOP FUNDRAISER in each individual homeroom class will get to Color Blast The Staff on race day!

The TOP CLASS in the school will receive a PIZZA PARTY!


We have a schoolwide fundraising goal of $50,000!  As we reach that goal we will have SCHOOL-WIDE awards as follows:    
$10,000-  Use phones during homeroom, enrichment & recess  
$20,000-  Recess with other teams
$30,000-  Homework Pass
$40,000-  Extra Recess
$50,000-  Dress Down Day




All money raised will help to fund our STEM program and our awesome STEM coach, Dr. Mel Goodwin. Laing receives NO special funding from the district or the state for our STEM program.
Laing keeps 100% of the money we raise from this fundraiser.  This homegrown event is being organized by parent volunteers and school staff.  We have a fundraising goal of $50,000.


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