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SMT Turkey Trot

Thu November 27, 2025 New Cumberland, PA 17070 US Directions

Sponsorship Levels

Close to 2,200 participants are expected to participate in the 2023 event. Additional spectators are anticipated to attend as well. By sponsoring the SMT Turkey Trot, your tax-deductible donation will help families in our community who are dealing with cancer while promoting your business to over 2,200 attendees.

The following lists the amenities provided for each sponsorship level.

GOLD: $1,000.00

  1. Large company logo will be prominently displayed on 2,200+ race shirts.
  2. Company name and logo will featured on a mile marker on the race course.
  3. Large company name and logo will be displayed on the race website with a link to your website.
  4. Two free entries for the race.
  5. Station provided for you to use to promote your goods and services to all participants and attendees.
  6. Opportunity to include your promotional materials in race packets. 

SILVER:  $750.00

  1. Small company logo will be displayed on 2,200+ race shirts. 
  2. Small company name and logo will be displayed on the race website with a link to your website.
  3. One free entry for the race.
  4. Opportunity to include your promotional materials in race packets. 

BRONZE: $500.00

  1. Company name will be listed on 2,200+ race shirts. 
  2. Company name will be listed on the race website with a link to your website.

If there are any questions, please email:

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