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5:30 AM CST County Highway 30A Closes
6:45 AM CST
VIP Experience Lounge | Bud & Alley’s Pizza Bar
7:00 AM CST Half Marathon Start
7:30 AM CST 5K Start
9:00 AM CST 5K Awards Ceremony
9:30 – 10:00 AM CST SEASIDE NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOL™ Performance Band
10:00 AM CST Half Marathon Awards Ceremony
10:30 AM CST County Highway 30A Reopens
11:00 AM - 12 PM CST Post Race After Party + DJ


6:30 – 10:30 AM CST Silent Auction Tent Opens for Bidding
10:30 AM CST Silent Auction Bidding Closes
10:45 AM – NOON CST Silent Auction Winner Pick-Up



  • Half Marathon: Starts at 7:00 AM CST
  • 5K: Starts at 7:30 AM CST

At around 10:00 AM CST, the Half Marathon course will begin to reopen to traffic from the west end of Hwy 30A. Runners still on the course will be directed to the off-road, paved path. Timing will continue until 10:30 AM CST, but please note there will be no support along the course after this time.


Convenient restrooms are available behind the SEASIDE® Post Office and the grassy area on the west side of Central Square. Additionally, portable restrooms will be placed at intervals along the race route on 30A.

Half Marathon:
Stay hydrated with Water and Gatorade at seven spots along the course and at the finish line.
5K: Water and Gatorade will be available at two spots along the course and at the finish line.


Medical aid will be available along the race course and near the finish line.


Experience our fast, mostly flat courses with stunning scenic views of the coastal communities along 30A. Volunteers and local law enforcement will ensure safe passage at intersections, while community groups cheer you on and provide entertainment. Find the course maps below:


Half Marathon Map:
5K Map:


For safety reasons, the following are strictly prohibited on the race course:

  • Dogs
  • Strollers
  • Baby carriers
  • Bicycles
  • Skates
  • Skateboards


Southern Timing, LLC will provide RFID Chip Timing for our event. Enjoy live race results and an individual results page with your pace breakdown, finisher certificate, and a 20-second clip of you crossing the start/finish line! Live tracking and SMS updates are available, so you can sign up multiple phone numbers to receive real-time updates as you cross each timing point.


Split Times:
5K Participants:
Split time at the 5K turnaround.
Half Marathon Participants: Split times at the 5K turnaround (1.55 mi), Half-Marathon turnaround (6.55 mi), and 5K turnaround again (11.55 mi).


Click here for the live-streamed results.

Click here to sign up for SMS updates.


Half Marathon [Men & Women]: 14-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+
5K [Men & Women]: 6-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-75, 75-79, 80+


Overall Awards:

  • 1st place male and female in Open, Masters, and Grand Masters divisions for both races.
  • Special awards for top male and female half marathon finishers.


Age Group Awards:

  • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in 5-year age groups.
  • For the 5K: additional age groups include 6-10, 11-12, and 13-14.


All Half Marathon and 5K finishers will receive a unique finisher’s medallion at the finish line. Both races are walker-friendly, but there are no separate awards for walkers.


Public parking near SEASIDE® is extremely limited, so we encourage you to take the complimentary shuttle that's available Saturday and Sunday from Emerald Coast Middle School (ECMS) located at 4019 US-98 #6024, Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459. Look for signage on Hwy 98 at ECMS for parking, and volunteers will direct you to an available lot.


From the ECMS parking lot, shuttles run every 10 minutes to Quincy Circle near the starting line. The shuttle is the easiest way to get to the race. SEASIDE® will be closed to all non-residential traffic on race day, and only those with valid Parking Passes will be permitted entry. This policy will be strictly enforced. Shuttles start running at 4:45 AM on Sunday. 


Saturday, February 15th: Shuttles are available for Expo and Packet Pickup (12 PM-4 PM). Public parking is extremely limited, and all residential SEASIDE® parking will not be accessible to race participants. Please use the complimentary shuttles.


Sunday, February 16th: Parking in SEASIDE® is exclusively for Parking Pass holders on Race Day. All SEASIDE® entry points from 30A and 395 will be closed, and only those with a valid pass will be permitted to enter. Each intersection will be manned, and this policy will be strictly enforced.


Drop off your non-valuable belongings at Bag Check. They will be safely held until the finish line closes on Race Day. Items not picked up by then will be held at SEASIDE NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOL™ for one week before being donated to charity. We highly encourage you not to check valuables, cash, or jewelry, as we cannot be responsible for lost items.


If you discard clothing along the race course, please do so near a water station. While we can't guarantee retrieval, our course crew will make every effort to pick up discarded items as they close the course. Retrieved clothing will be placed in a bin near the stage after the race and kept at SEASIDE NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOL™ for a week. Any unclaimed items will be donated to charity.




Arrive Early: Plan to arrive at least an hour before your race starts to account for potential traffic and parking delays.


Dress Smart: If it's chilly, dress in layers that you can easily peel off and tie around your waist or leave at a water station. Old shirts or sweatshirts are perfect for starting the race and can be discarded early. Large trash bags with arm and head holes also work well. Please discard clothing at the side of the road, preferably near a water station. Discarded items will be collected by volunteers and delivered to a designated area in SEASIDE®. Unclaimed items will be donated to a local charity. While we try to retrieve all discarded clothing, we cannot guarantee it.


Race Courtesy: Line up in the appropriate corral based on your expected finish time. If you're aiming for a 2-hour half marathon, join the nine-minute-per-mile corral. If you're running with a group, avoid running more than three abreast in the early stages to allow faster participants to pass.


Thank a Volunteer: Our event wouldn't be possible without our amazing volunteers. Please thank them whenever you see them before, during, or after the race.


Celebrate Your Finish: Smile and raise your hands as you cross the finish line to capture a great photo!


Keep Moving: After crossing the finish line, keep walking. Volunteers will hand you your medal and water, and offer any assistance you need. Moving through the finish chute helps prevent congestion and aids in recovery. Walking for about 10 minutes maintains circulation and keeps blood flowing to your muscles. Start sipping fluids as soon as they're available, especially if you've been sweating a lot.


Post-Race: After the finish area, meet up with family and friends and relax. Get off your feet and, if possible, elevate your legs to help with recovery. Keep sipping fluids and start eating as soon as your appetite returns.


Plan Ahead: Start planning your trip to next year’s SEASIDE SCHOOL™ Half Marathon and 5K!




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