Q: I cannot come, what are my options? Can I get a refund?
A: Sorry there are no refunds for any reason. We offer 3 different options to choose from.
1) You may have your swag mailed ($20 Fee applies to cover shipping cost).
2) You may have a friend pick up your swag on race day or at packet pickup.
3) You may sell/give away your entry to a friend/family at no additional cost.
Q: When is Packet Pickup?
A: Recommended Early Packet Pickup:
Thursday March 13 - 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Big Lug Canteen/The Roost
1435 E 86th ST
Indianapolis, IN US 46240
Race day, opens at 9:00am
Historic Military Park
601 W New York
Indianapolis, IN US 46202
Q: Are spectators allowed to enter the Brewfest area if they are not registered for the Half Marathon 0r 5K?
A: No, but spectators may purchase the 0.0K BrewFest Only Ticket to enter the Brewfest area.
Q: What time does the Half Marathon start?
A: 10:00am!
Q: What time does the 5K Beer Run start?
A: You choose your starting corral between 1:30pm - 2:30pm during registration.
Q: Will the race still happen if it is raining or snowing?
A: Yes!!! We will only delay for lightning or tornado.
Q: Can my kids register for the Half Marathon or 5K race?
A: Yes, if they are 21+ :)
Q: Is this course stroller-friendly? May I push a stroller?
A: No, all participants must be 21+ to do the Half Marathon or 5K. You Finish up the Half Marathon right into the 21+ Only BrewFest area. Also there is beer handed out on the 5K course.
Q: Can my kids enter the Brewfest area?
A: Yes, if they are 21+ and registered for the event! :)
Q: Is this event dog-friendly? Can I bring my dog?
A: Yes – and no charge:) you know the rules… clean up. Please be respectful of other runners.
Q: Are there Awards?
A: Yes, for the Half Marathon & No, the 5k does NOT.
Half Marathon - Top 3 Male/Female Overall Winners.
Top 3 Male/Female in each Age Group.
Prizes Are:
1st M/F Overall Winner - Receives a Shamrock Growler, & Overall 1st Place Medal!
2nd & 3rd M/F Overall Winners - Receives a Shamrock Pint Glass & Overall 2nd/3rd Place Medal!
1st M/F Age Group Winner - Receives a Shamrock Pint Glass & 1st Place Age Group Medal!
2nd & 3rd M/F Age Group Winner - Receives a Shamrock Pint Glass & 2nd or 3rd Place Age Group Medal!