Epilepsy Awareness
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that can occur in anyone at any stage of life. The physical symptoms of a seizure depend on which part of the brain is impacted by excessive electrical discharges. Although most people think of a seizure as a full-body convulsion, seizures can manifest as brief muscle jerks, unconscious behaviors like picking at clothing or what appears to be a lapse of attention, like daydreaming.
1 in 10 people will experience a seizure in their lifetime
1 in 26 people will be diagnosed with epilepsy
17,000 Idahoans are living with epilepsy
3.4 MILLION individuals nationwide are affected by epilepsy
More people live with epilepsy than with autism spectrum disorders, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy combined. Epilepsy is one of the world’s oldest known medical conditions, yet people with epilepsy still face stigma and misunderstanding.
1/3 of individuals are able to control their seizures with diet, medications and other therapies; others continue to struggle with an unexplained diagnosis. Much more research is needed to understand the cause of epilepsy and eventually find a cure.
The Epilepsy Foundation of Idaho (EFI) has a mission to improve the lives of people affected by epilepsy through education, advocacy, research, and connection; and a vision that the 17,000 people in Idaho who are living with epilepsy or seizure-related conditions do not face their journeys alone. We are a stand-alone affiliate of the Epilepsy Foundation of America, headed by an executive director, and governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, the headquarters of which is located in Boise. We have served Idaho since 1971, offering advocacy and counseling for families, children and adults, seizure first aid training, summer camp for kids and teens and a variety of supportive services. All of these services are provided at no cost and are available to anyone whose life is touched by epilepsy.
Thank you for supporting Sharon’s Ride.Run.Walk. 2025! YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE for the people living with epilepsy.
Visit our website: https://www.epilepsyidaho.org/