Mission Statement
The SPEAK UP Foundation was inspired, created and formed by two families who both suffered devastating personal losses due to mental illness resulting in suicide. It is from these tragic life events that we decided to rise from the fiery ashes of emotional pain and despair and create this foundation dedicated to change. We are two families who have walked different paths in life now joined in one united fight. We stand together to break the silence and reduce the stigma surrounding all mental illness and suicide.
Our passionate hope is that SPEAK UP will provide quality education and awareness in our community and bridge the communication gaps between community, schools, and parents.
We want to encourage and be the steward of open conversations with our children and educate our community about the different danger signs for children who may be “at risk.” We hope that you will join us in our valiant fight and pledge with us to end the societal stigma surrounding mental illness and suicide.
SPEAK UP is doing this in multiple ways:
- Funding of Sources of Strength
- Teen led positive mental health campaigns
- Programs to teach mental health resiliency
- Teach positive messages of self-worth and individuality
Opportunities for large and small group teen dialogue
- We encourage conversations with our children
- Provide information on how to identify warning signs
- Offer resources for parents concerned their child is at risk
- Work to end the stigma associated with mental illness so kids know it is okay to ask for help
Community Outreach Events
- Working directly through schools and organizations within vast communities
- Suicide awareness training
- Lived experience presentations