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Big Cheese 5K

Sat April 12, 2025 Athol, MA 01331 US Directions


Big Cheese 5K 2025

$40 9:30AM EDT Price increases after April 11, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT


Welcome to Athol Area YMCA's Big Cheese 5K!

Whether you’ve been with us from our humble beginnings in 2010 or are new to this “Cheesy Experience,” we are so glad to have you as a part of the race.

The Big Cheese 5K is a blast! You’ll feel accomplished. And most importantly, you’ll know that you’ve done your part to help others in need.

This year proceeds will be donated towards the "Prescribe the Y Programming" which allows exercise programming to support the community focused around health and wellness initiatives.

So whether you’re a hard core runner or a happy-go-lucky walker, please join us and bring a friend, or even the whole family (strollers welcome). And if you’re so inspired, feel free to wear a wacky costume. We love wacky costumes!

We hope you will join us to celebrate our little town and show community pride with two unique races, The Big Cheese 5K and the River Rat Race.

All you have to do is show up and chase the cheese. You might even catch yourself a block of award-winning Smith’s Country Cheese to take home with you. That and bragging rights, definitely bragging rights!

See you at the race!


Early Packet Pickup
Friday, April 12
Athol Area YMCA Adult Lounge 
545 Main St., Athol

8:00 a.m.
Athol Area YMCA Gymnasium
545 Main St., Athol

School St. @ Prospect 9:30AM

Finish Line
Town Hall

10:30 AM
Athol Area YMCA Gymnasium


545 Main St
Athol YMCA
Athol, MA US 01331

Course Description

The Big Cheese 5K starts on School Street and is the first division of the Annual River Rat Parade. The cheers from the parade crowd along Main Street make the first mile an adrenaline sprint and you’ll be shocked how quickly you come up on our split caller located on the corner of Union St. & Shore Dr.  The dreaded Exchange St. Hill looms ahead in Mile 2.  But, don't worry. This split ends with a recovery lap around Silver Lake Park and a respite water station. Local Girl Scouts man the water station and their encouragement is just what you’ll need as you head into Mile 3 and few more hills. The last half mile of this race is a downhill jog all the way down Crescent Street and back onto Main Street where you will finish strong in front of the Athol Town Hall. Follow the voices of the finish line team and they will guide you to cold water and snacks.



Top Male / Female Overall

1st Male / Female in Each Age Category
14 & Under
15 – 19
20 – 29
30 – 39
40 – 49
50 – 59
60 – 69
70 & over

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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