Begin with sharing about why Dyslexia Awareness is important to you:
I am an educator...
I wasn’t trained to recognize the signs of Dyslexia. But now that I am learning about it, I want to do better for my students. Decoding Dyslexia Oregon has hosted many lectures and trainings that have helped me learn more about this learning difference so I can better serve my students.
I am a parent ...
Like so many parents, I was shocked to learn my child had Dyslexia. Teachers kept telling me s/he would grow out of it. I always thought the schools would be able to teach all learners. Decoding Dyslexia Oregon has helped me learn about Dyslexia and navigate this journey. I attend their lectures and they have provided me with resources.
I have Dyslexia ...
I have felt alone and isolated. I never knew why reading was so hard for me. Now that I know I have a learning difference, it’s easier to understand why I struggled. Decoding Dyslexia Oregon has helped me feel less alone. Lots of kids have it and I have attended social events that have been fun and have helped me see, things will be ok.
Someone in my family has Dyslexia …
When I was growing up, someone in my family had Dyslexia. I saw how they struggled in school or at work and we never knew why. I support Decoding Dyslexia Oregon because they are trying to educate teachers so things will be different in the future.
In General...
An estimated 15-20% of the population has dyslexia. That means 4-5 students in every classroom. But teachers are not trained to recognize the warning signs, let alone teach these capable students. Please donate to my (name of the team) Fundraising Team at (link to page) and Decoding Dyslexia an organization that is making real change in Oregon!
Decoding Dyslexia Oregon's - Step Up for Dyslexia walk on June 14th is a fundraiser to raise Dyslexia Awareness. Please donate to my fundraiser (link to page) today! This is important to me, as dyslexia impacts my family (tell a bit of your story).