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St. Joseph Hospital's Ribbon Run|Walk 5K, Step Up for Cancer Care

Sun September 21, 2025 Nashua, NH 03062 US

Course Map

The 5K course starts about half way down the parking lot in front of Stellos Stadium.  Run from there into Mine Falls park by the skate park, follow the path and go around the gate.  Stay straight so the pond and then the canal are on your right until you reach the river bridge (Nashua High South) on your right (Mile 1). Cross over the bridge and go left on the paved path and follow it so the canal is now on your left, continue through the highway tunnel until you reach the second bridge (Whipple Street/Soifert Memorial Fields). Cross over the bridge and take a left at the flagpole and keep running so the canal is now on your left. (You are half done!)  Stay on the main path (left at fork) keeping the canal on your left.  Pass by the first bridge at Nashua High South (Mile 2), and continue back so the canal and then the pond are on your left.  Almost done, keep running back through the gate towards the skate park. The finish line will be marked across from the skate park on the sidewalk by the parking lot.  

While there are sections of pavement, remember much of the course is on unpaved trails, keep that in mind if you are thinking of pushing a stroller.  The park will be open to the public during this event.  We ask that you use courtesy and share the trails accordingly. 


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