Running makes me happy.A few years ago when I lived in Hungary as a Missionary, I experienced my first introduction to personal depression. My prescription? I was supposed to run for 1 hour every day. I learned how valuable running is to mental health. There hasn't been a better time than now in this world to promote kindness and grace to our minds as they struggle to process everything happening. Run with me this month to be kinder to yourself and your mental health!
Participate Virtually During August Run with me at the end of AugustSUPPORT THOSE THAT HELP
My heart goes out to those that suffer with mental health conditions, ranging anywhere from depression to substance abuse. I often wish there is more that I can do, and there is! Rocky Mountain Crisis Partners is a non-profit foundation helping all that call and text in for psychological help. While I am not educated enough to help those suffering now, I can help those that ARE able to help have access to more people and resources to make a difference. Help me support the front line workers!!
Donate to Support Front Line Workers