21 Oceanshore Blvd.
Ormond Beach, FL US 32176
Ride the Outgoing Tide. Bill Walter III was a resident of Ormond Beach, a son, husband, father and an athlete. In January 1995 he was diagnosed with level 5 melanoma. In August 1998 the first annual Bill Walter III Melanoma 5K took place. Three months later Bill lost his fight with this dreaded disease. The battle continues to help find a cure for melanoma.
Register or donate by March 17 and receive a personalized custom bib number with your name imprinted. Register after March 17 and you will receive the custom bib but without your name imprinted.
Donations are gratefully accepted. Music, food, sports massage and cancer screening will be part of the post race activities.
The money raised from this event will be used to help fund melanoma research, assist patients in need of financial support and to increase melanoma awareness.
Walkers & Walking groups are welcome!
Raffle SUP. The Bill Walter III Melanoma Research Fund is raffling off a Stand Up Paddle Board designed by Jay Smith, owner of Clever Surfboards. This awesome SUP board is valued at $1500.00. Tickets are only $10.00 and available for purchase at the offices of Dr. Douglas Denison, DMD, 2430 S. Atlantic Ave. Suite D., Daytona Beach Shores, Dr. Roger Scott, DDS, 212 Oakridge Blvd, Daytona Beach, local surf shops and online at runsignup. We will announce the winner during the awards portion of the RayZ Awareness 5K and Fun Run Event held April 1, 2017. Tickets will also be sold on race day. (You do NOT need to be present to win.)
WALK OR RUN IN HONOR OR MEMORY OF - We would like to invite all participants to recognize those special people who have been touched by melonoma. Back signs will be provided for you to wear. Feel free to embellish your sign(s) with photos, poems or special words.
Add a team of 5 members or more, receive entry discount. Spend a morning with friends, family or co-workers, promote good health, friendship, camaraderie and the thrill of supporting and participating together. Name your team.
Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Raffle for SUP
The Bill Walter III Melanoma Research Fund is raffling off a Stand Up Paddle Board designed by Jay Smith, owner of Clever Surfboards. This awesome SUP board is valued at $1500.00. Tickets are only $10.00 and available for purchase at the offices of Dr. Douglas Denison, DMD, 2430 S. Atlantic Ave. Suite D., Daytona Beach Shores, Dr. Roger Scott, DDS, 212 Oakridge Blvd, Daytona Beach, local surf shops and here at runsignup, Tickets may also be purchased at race packet pickup Thur. March 30 & Friday March 31, as well as race morning. You may also purchase by mail or call Donna at 386.255.1279. We will announce the winner during the awards portion of the RayZ Awareness 5K and Fun Run Event held April 1, 2017. Tickets will also be sold on race day. (You do NOT need to be present to win.) You may have your ticket(s) mailed to you if purchased by 3/25. After 3/25, they may be picked up at race packet pickup, TGI Friday's, Thursday, March 30 & Friday, March 31, 5:00 to 7:00 pm or race morning beginning at 6:30 am.
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