3rd annual WHitney Mac 5k has been postponed.
New Date: October 2020 day is not yet set
DUe to Covid -19 virus restrictions, we have decided to postpone the whitney Mac this year with a tentative date in October. WHen the day gets decided we will post it.
Here Are Your Options:
Address 2
Jellico, TN US 37762
The Whitney Mac 5 K is a flat course set in Indian Mountain State Park in Jellico, TN. This race is in honor of Whitney McClanahan who had a love of sports and children. The proceeds will go to local athletic programs in our community schools. This year's race is May 30th at 7pm. The race starts out in front of the ranger's station at the park entrance and goes out the back of the park to the right coming by the baseball field and back into the front of the park. The final mile is on a paved walking trail that winds around by the pond and back to the finish line. There will be awards for overall male and female finishers as well as medals in age groups. The price of registration includes t shirt and wrist band.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.