Full Belly 5K
All-ages Fun Run
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The Full Belly is a fun and competitive race benefiting Shelby Park and Bottoms and raising money for neighbors in need during the holiday season.
Join us the Saturday after Thanksgiving for the timed 5K race, the all-ages Fun Run (or walk) around Lake Sevier, or the virtual run any time during the Thanksgiving weekend.
With every race registration Friends of Shelby is collecting money and items for the Martha O'Bryan food bank. A portion of race proceeds also help fund Nashville Scout Troop 3
The Full Belly 5K and Fun Run will begin on the road on the south side of Lake Sevier near the Reflection sculpture (the big silver bird). See below for a map of the race route through the park.
Virtual and out-of-town runners can run anywhere they like anytime Wednesday through Sunday, Thanksgiving weekend. Details to follow on how to submit your time.
Full Belly Fun Run
8:30 am
Full Belly 5K
9 am
On-site check-in starts at 7:30 am
Run the virtual Full Belly anytime from Wednesday, Nov. 27 through Sunday, December 1.
Race Contact Info
The Full Belly is upon us and we need volunteers! If you know anyone who wants to help on race day have them sign up.
click here
Shelby Park Events Field!
The Full Belly 5K and Fun Run will begin on the road on the south side of Lake Sevier near the Reflection sculpture (the big silver bird). See below for a map of the race route through the park.
Virtual and out-of-town runners can run anywhere they like anytime Wednesday through Sunday, Thanksgiving weekend. Details to follow on how to submit your time.