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Run Under The Stars™ Oak Ridge, TN

Sat April 13 - Sun April 14 Oak Ridge, TN 37830 US Directions


Run Under The Stars™ - 12 HR - Individual

04/13 - 04/14 6:00PM EDT - 6:00AM EDT

Run Under The Stars™ - 6 HR - Individual

04/13 - 04/14 6:00PM EDT - 12:00AM EDT

Run Under The Stars™ - 3 HR - Individual

04/13 6:00PM EDT - 9:00PM EDT

Run Under The Stars - 3, 6, and 12 Hr

04/13 - 04/14 6:00PM EDT - 6:00AM EDT



RUN UNDER THE STARS™  3/6/12 hour options

April 13/14 - AK Bissell Park, Oak Ridge, TN - 6pm start for all races. the list below.

NO RELAY TEAMS. Please choose a short time frame if you don't want to run all night.

This is a night time run. Run, jog, walk, rest, stop and start as much as you'd like.
The objective is to see how far you can go; however, you can stop at any time if you've reached your goal or if you've had enough, and get your medal at that time. The Oak Ridge course is a USATF CERTIFIED (TN19003BW) 1.1937 mile fine crushed stone, winding gravel path in AK Bissell Park. Flat course, with less than 20' of gain/loss per loop. Just enough to break things up a bit.

CHIP TIMING SYSTEM. Todd Heady will keep your distance recorded. We will display your distance continually at the timing tent. Check the monitor as you run by.
No traffic, no hills, no roots, no hard running surface.

LARGE AID STATION just off the track. We have a fully stocked station, containing the normal snacks, and fruit including watermelon, cantaloupe, and bananas, plus salty items such as peanut butter pretzels, and chips. PB&J sandwiches are a staple. We bring out grilled cheese sandwiches, pizza at 10pm, and then around 1 or 2 am, chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. Please bring containers to drink out of. We are trying to severely limit the number of cups. You can leave your cup at your course side station, or on a table at the aid station.

AMENITIES and AWARDS: Each runner will receive a shirt, cap, drawstring bag, and a custom medal that will indicate your mileage. The top m/f individuals in each category receive a special award. (the number of awards will be in proportion to the number of entrants in each category).

REASONS FOR RUNNING RUTS:  Great training venue for practice at running at night... calibrate your nighttime nutrition needs, get used to being up all night for that upcoming 100 miler (may we suggest Tunnel Hill) or 24 hour venue. Perfect social running event with serious results. You can feel safe due to all the runners around you. Unlike marathons, and non-loop events, you see your friends the entire time, giving you opportunities to run or walk with some runners you'd normally never get to run with.
This could possibly be the course you'll set a personal best for whatever distance you run. Knowing that your vehicle is close by, you have the confidence to keep going.
On Site Parking, at either the Rec Center or Library parking lots. (No driving on grass at this RUTS).

No hotel needed. 

TENNESSEE STATE AGE GROUP RECORDS*: You have an excellent chance of setting an age group record here. Even if you set a record last year, you can set another one this year. Age groups are determined by individual ages, not in 5yr increments like some things.

NOTE: In fairness to all, we don't allow someone in the 12 hour to also claim a 6hr, or 3hr. IF you wish to go for more than one record, you must also be registered for that particular race. Since we're not going to give you 2 or 3 shirts, caps, etc, contact me for a special rate on your second or third event.

To see the current records, go here: Click on the category you wish to view.

SET UP: Don't drive out on the course. Please park in one of the parking lots at the park.  Beginning any time after 2pm on Saturday April 13, you can set up a tent under the large shade trees in the grass infield, or alongside the course. There is plenty of room. This is a good one to bring the family to. You can stop and see them as much as you like. Encourage them to run or walk a few laps with you. They love it, and so do we. We only ask that you carry your trash out with you if at all possible. 

DOGS: We love dogs, however they are NOT allowed on the course as part of the race. IF you bring your dog, you will need to keep them on a leash, and out of the way of other runners, or guests. 

RELAY TEAMS -  We've found that with the 3hr/6hr/12hr format there is very little demand for relay teams, so we've eliminated that option.

Any questions, contact Cynthia at or  Todd at

* You must be a resident of Tennessee before they will recognize you as an age group record holder.


All times are Eastern Daylight Time

Saturday April 13, 2024

2PM - 6PM - Athletes may set up their course side pop up tent or table. Cars/campers are not permitted on the course or in the grass. There is a large parking lot within 50' of the course.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

4PM - 5:30PM - Packet pick up at the Amphitheater area. You will receive a race bib, shirt; cap ; and drawstring bag.                                                                                                                          

6PM - Start of all races. Please be at the start area at 5:50PM for final instructions.  Start/Finish is next to the aid station.                                                                                                                           

9PM - Finish of the 3 hour. Medals and Awards given immediately after.                                                                                                                                                     

Midnight - Finish of the 6 hour. Medals and Awards given immediately after.

Sunday April 14

6AM - Finish of the 12 hour Individual, and Relay.  Medals given immediately after.                                                                                                                                   

6:15 - Awards ceremony for the 12 hour.                                                                                                                                  


Course Info

The Oak Ridge course is a USATF CERTIFIED (TN19003BW) 1.1937 mile fine crushed stone, winding gravel path in AK Bissell Park. Flat course, with less than 20' of gain/loss per loop. Just enough to break things up a bit. You can see a diagram of the course by clicking on the file.

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


Lifetime totals 2016 - 2022

Click on the below icon to see where you stand in lifetime total mileage! 

Running superstar Cathy Downes leads the way with damn near 300 miles!


Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


Special RUTS Series buckle

Run 100 or more miles in the RUTS Series for 2023, and earn this special buckle!

You have 4 RUTS to choose from, so if you happen to miss one you can still earn your buckle.  

Paducah KY is on June 1. REGISTER FOR PADUCAH

Corydon IN is on July 1.  REGISTER FOR CORYDON IN

Run for Dreams, in Shelbyville Ky. has been added as part of the Ruts Series for 2024.  

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.




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